Monday, October 28, 2013

Autumns Fallin'

OH, October! how i lalalalove you!
Where do i even start??
I just love autumn (partly because its my middle name) but for everything fun it has to offer!
Its the few weeks out of the year in California where i can put on my cozy sweaters and boots, drink pumpkin hot chocolate and snuggle up in the biggest possible blanket i have!

Not to mention the pumpkin patch! awhh i just love pumpkin everything!
seeds, bread, drinks, what else??

  Fun fact : My junior year i was in FFA and got to take care of farm animals! 
ever since i just simply love piggys! 

What better way to fall even more in love with fall then go to the pumpkin patch with your best girls and run around taking fun pictures! ( even if the (cute) workers watch you make a fool of yourselves)

 OW OW check out those hotties!

Picture overload i know! but i havent been out of the house in a week and just had too much fun!
This is my last Halloween at home and i plan on making every last second count!
just wait until you see my costume! 
and in case you where wondering: of course I'm dressing up! 
But its a surprise so stay tuned!(;

Hmmm well on a more serious note,
Here is my fall goal(s): 
1. Get in kick butt shape so i dont feel like a LOSER
when i watch the VS fashion show in December
2. be nicer. okay I'm a really nice person and
have a positive attitude but
its been too easy lately to get annoyed with people
and just want give them some sass and go on with my day
so Ive been making sure i catch myself when i think something even remotely rude
and try to keep a smile on my face
and let me tell you! I'm just simply happier 
because I'm not letting other rude/annoying people influence my day!
after all we are all children of god...and i should
 treat them way. Even if they insist on annoying
me until i feels like i will explode...

The girl who cant get enough fall!

P.S. I need like an intervention... I cant stop watching Nashville! ahhh darn netflix

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

thank heaven

thank heaven is exactly it!
I haven't blogged in like a week! which isnt that long but to me it felt like a life time!
Maybe thats because i was laying in my death bed... again thats what it felt like to me! What started as a cold turned into a flu then turned into strep. but with some antibiotics I am back on my feet (almost) and getting back to regular life! 
except school... school is just... 

Dont get me wrong staying home for 
a week is amazing! but i'm really tired of toast and
Serbort ice cream and red gatorade. I just
want to go on a run! or go to a dance! or go to a 
pumpkin patch! just a couple more days and 
I'll be back to all that fun stuff! and guess what I'm
going to do first! A cycling class! I'm 
nervous/excited/horrified all at the same time! 
I'll keep you updated on how this class works out!

XX Ataya

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fresh Faced and Happy

well guys I've had yet another epiphany... Senior year is just full of new realizations.
Well it all started yesterday during homeroom when i caught myself complaining to a friend about how girls just need make up and how barely any girl can pull off not wearing makeup and not look tired. How rude and materialistic of me!! right??? Not until later that night though did i really notice what i said and how completely worldly of me. 
Girls dont need makeup to look pretty and definietly shouldnt need it to feel pretty either. I've worn makeup religiously since 7th grade and have not gone to school one day with out wearing it. I would always have my face evenly toned and eyes perfectly shaded to look big and round and my eyelashes always were brushed and darkened. That is until today!
After waking up this morning I looked in the mirror and kinda just stood there looking. I didn't start pulling at my untamed hair or fixing my big pajama shirt but just looked at my bare face, who i really am. And you know what! With out a second opinion i said I look perfectly fine with out make up and my natural hair actually looks somewhat good.
i know you're digging my goodwill bag in the back(;

I went to school with natural hair and left my makeup bag at home. As i walked onto campus all i was thinking is that all day people are gonna say i look SO tired or my hair was crazy or something that would bring my confidence down.
I actually got compliments on how pretty my natural hair was and not once did i get a "You look tired" once
and by tutorial i loved not having makeup on.
Girls, we dont need make up and straight hair to be or feel pretty. We just need to be comfortable with who we are and accept ourselves as we come, which is beautiful. I'm not saying make up is bad I'm not saying that at ALL because i adore make up but it shouldn't become something we need to have.
Just keep reminding yourself that its okay not to be perfect.

Happy tropical Tuesday

P.S. want to hear a little tip to smooth skin and soft hair?? try coconut oil! it works magic! i put it on my face before i go to bed a couple times a week and it makes my skin feel so soft and makes all those pesky spots go flat! Its my new favorite beauty side kick

Sunday, October 13, 2013

C14ssy Seniors

Aren't I just so whitty with my post title??(; get it? c14ssy seniors??  Because I graduate in 2014!
okay well i didnt exactly come up with it myself...
OH being a Senior! i thought this year would never come & i though i'd hate it because i (already) have been hit with a crippling dose of senioritis BUT its hard to hate my very last homecoming football game/halftime performance/homecoming dance. Its bitter sweet already.
Tesoro high schools homecoming theme was Zomebies: World War T dun dun duuuunnnn
*brace yourself for an overload of pictures. I couldn't just pick two!*

Our homecoming halftime show was amazing! we spent WEEKS preparing for this. We had a whole choreographed dance and a laser light show.
Being the big bad seniors we are we were all zombies and ran out on the fields and did our performance it was too fun!
The next day was homecoming and of course i went stag! dates are for the weak.
Me and these lovely ladies got all dolled up and went the the Oakley factory for some pre-homecoming fun

"Make the Miley Cyrus face!"
 Me and emily have a thing for manicans(; 
Pointing to where we want to go on our missions! 
I am pointing to Africa right??

I would post some post homecoming pictures but lets face it... no one wants to see those haha!
This week has been so busy and consisting of very very late nights and I for one do not do good with out sleep. I will pretty much cry about anything and get a case of the grumps. So image me from after this crazy week plus work plus waking up for 9 am church (which I'm so glad i did we had the best lessons today). 
I'm going to turn on Once Upon A Time and take a very long long long much needed nap.

Happy Sunday!

P.S. shout out to my role model since like 5th grade, Lauren Conrad, for her engagement!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Until next time..

This weekend went WAY to fast! I'm already on my way back home to california. Most people would be stoked to get back to sunny and 75 but i just want to stay here in Utah bundled up in sweaters and blankets, playing with my sisters, shopping until i feel bad about how much I've spent, and listening to amazing conference talks. 

I'm already counting down the days until i move down here for school next fall and get to live this weekend over and over again!

Anyone up for breakfast at tiffanys?(;
 Another thing i'll miss about utah is HANNAH! (and tiffanys) This year i got another sister and boy am I glad i did! its impossible to be around her and not have a good time! how would i describe hannah??
She has the whit of a mean girls movie, the sass of a kardashian, and the style of an anthropology queen!

you cant go to utah with out going to city creek and then skip over to the B E A utiful Salt Lake temple! Its really my favorite of all the temples! anyone else notice how much i love taking pictures with the temple in the background??? like i always say "every prince needs her castle" a prince would be nice to add to that little quote but hey, someday(;
Everyone meet my gorgeous sister, Kashia! *ignore my dress it has a mind of its own*
I got to stay with my bestfriend this weekend and it was purely wonderful! we are literally the same person! except she's living the life here in utah with her hubby and i'm slowly inching my way through senior year with myself ( just kidding guys i actually have friends haha). Any who! we both agreed that these three days just flew bye and i need to visit more often. 
its Kashias! she did a fun photoshoot with me for her adorable new blog,, and some cute hair tutorials! I'm loving the plum lipstick this fall (Kashias also)! 

So now I'm in the car for the next 12 hours planning out my next trip to this wonderful state called Utah. Fingers crossed it'll be in a couple weeks for my friends missionary farewell! I have to go to it! but thats a whole other post, which believe me will be making its appearance soon! At least i have the baker family keeping me entertained for the rest of the car ride!

Stay positive

"Doubt your doubts before your doubt your faith" President Diter F Uchtdorf

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Glitter Affair

Fun fact: Glitter makes everything better! (and pink)

Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins

I just happen to be one of those lucky girls(:

I leave Utah tomorrow... it's truly heartbreaking. BUT I'll be back quicker than you go catch an amazing picture of yourself blowing glitter into the air (its harder than it looks). 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Denim and Distractions

Awwwh to pick a guitar again! Its been almost a year since I've played (and by played i mean senselessly pluck simple G ,C ,E, and A cords) But i picked up just where i left off... playing Taylor Swifts White Christmas. 

I have to admit something... I haven't gone one day the past week and a half with out listening to Christmas music.. I'm just so stinkin excited!
I've thrown in a couple Weezer and Ed Sheeran songs but my poor little hamy down guitar is horribly out of tune and is quiet ready to retire. Sad day. BUT it gives me a reason to invest in a... wait for it!.... ukulele!

 So you've seen my denim and obviously my guitar is my distraction but i know you're dying to know ( if you're not that interested just pretend to be(; ) what EXACTLY I'm being distracted from. Nope its not homework, i don't have any!( that i know of.. LOL), its not cleaning my room, or some other boring task, well it kinda is boring, but! its from that boy (and i use "boy" descriptively, immature just sounds rude doesn't it??) i briefly mentioned a couple post back. I said i'd been upset about him for the past couple months 
( terribly long, i know) 
but I've come to an epiphany! why let one boy make me feel so sad and down?? I have no clue! So i decided abruptly that I'm going to change my perspective! I concluded that I am not going to think about him because in reality i wasn't thinking about HIM but the attention i got from him, if i think of him i quickly change my train of thought i.e. "wow that tree is really pretty" lame i know but then i realize that the leaves on that oh so pretty tree are changing colors and i get super excited , even though its 85 degrees, that its fall! If i cant get my mind off him (I'm only human it happens) and start feeling sad i think "hey! that's only one disappointing thing in your life think of the good things!" then i think of how awesome i am for getting a new job!( high five ataya(; ), how lucky i am to have my amazing friends, and then i usually think about kittens or Zac Efron yummmm haha. Lastly, the distraction dun-dun-duuuuuuun! I'm distracting myself with this pretty guitar, simple acts of service, and smiling A LOT. 

And guess what fellow bloggers?? my week has been fabulous! This once crush worthy boy is now some guy who i once knew. And i can go through out my day with out thinking about the past because that's exactly what it is, the past. I understand that writing about him isn't helping distract myself from it but who knows maybe someone needed a break-up 101 and I'm helping them out. Also i'm just proud of myself for making this step in my life.

Stay positive!

P.S. i avoid sad music too! no taylor swift or helpless love songs. Happy music makes a happy person(:
P.S.S I have a secret destination Ill be posting about in the next couple days! 
P.S.S.S I cant keep it a secret anymore! ill be In Utah with my lovely sisters! I'm head over heels excited! you know what they say "what happens in Utah stays in Utah" (;