Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's Raining Its Pouring

Its raining! Its pouring! but no, oh goodness no, there is no snoring!
Not for this girl that is!
How could I sleep when the sweet sound of rain, warm hot chocolate, 
and my book(s) are calling my name!? Not to mention Jaymay on repeat!
the answer is i cant, i simply cant! California gets like 2 days out of
the year where is actually rains for more than five minutes and
I'm not going to waste on second of it!

not only am i kept wide awake
by the rain festivities but I've just been busy.
busy busy busy.
and not busy as in must get things done busy but
fun busy.  books, shopping, DISNEYLAND, who knew 
i could have so much fun? Not me that's for sure
So why haven't i been posting about it?
because i forget to take pictures or feel lame
asking for someone to take selfies of me.. haha
what can i say?
I'm a material girl living a material world(;

 you guys, i dont think you understand... i just LOVE rain!
everything about it! not having to do my hair, the sound, cuddles, warmness!
awhhh if only it was like this all winter

okay i was so excited for this massive cup of hot chocolate and what could or could not be piles of whip cream.... and it was a total dunce! it was not yummy at all ): but by adding the mountain of whip cream  it made it delicious!
 ignore my chubby fingers... i dont know whats going on there...i promise
my fingers are normal size... haha!

 I'm making a new goal for myself!
to post more! i used to post
quiet a bit but then i kind of lost touch
and thought my life was boring with nothing to share
but with holiday coming up im more excited than ever!



P.S.S oh boy! literally... oh boy! but thats for a later time

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy Sunday

I'm kind of bad at this whole blogging thing
but these past couple weeks have been really hard
and this Sunday just seemed to make these weeks
just a little bit easier and understandable.
I wont go into the pity details so I'll
just say I wasn't finding answers but also
wasn't really looking for them either. But 
the best answer comes from those questions that
you don't ask about at all.
So, what is it about Sundays that can just make two weeks of crying and hardships understandable and bearable? Church, Sacrament, Scriptures, My Fabulous New Young Women Leader, And some home made chocolate cake from the worlds best step mom.

My lesson today that seemed to make everything clique all at once for me was
As much as i can lean on someone else for help or even blame them for how I'm doing or feeling, it all comes back to me. How i am treating myself/others. How I am seeking out my days a latter day saint. How I keep a good mood. And how and if i choose happiness.
I didn't think you could "choose happiness". I mean if you're sad then you're sad. Its a natural emotion how are you supposed to just brush that off? I guess you don't necessarily brush it off but just don't stay sad, don't just give up, find the way out.
Whats the way out?
My typical way out is Kardashian Re-Runs and some major naps but that isn't a way out just a distraction.
So then all too quickly i go back to feeling weak...
So the real way out...put yourself into the lords hands.
Ether 12:  27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them theiraweakness. I bgive unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my cgrace is sufficient for all men that dhumble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make eweak things become strong unto them.

So, what did i take out of this Sunday is a big question..
I understand now that my Heavenly Father never has his back turned to me when I'm not doing whats right or not searching for his guidance. And I understand that in those moments where I'm on my knees praying for his help and his comfort and i don't receive answers right away its not because i don't deserve his love, because I'm always a priority to him, but its just My Father in Heaven reminding me to be patient to be steady in my works and don't give up. Sometimes those moments of being alone and scared are those memories we wont forget because when we receive the comfort we've been asking for it will be a feeling that makes it worth waiting for. I know that Jesus Christ will never give up on me and I know that when I'm feeling as if nobody understands because sometimes earthly companions dont that Jesus Christ does. He went through exactly what i am going through just so i wont have to face it alone. Lastly, I made a promise to myself that I will forgive others as my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so easily and quickly forgive me.

This Sunday was an answer to everything. 

Happy Sunday XX