Sunday, September 15, 2013

I got a blog! What? Another teenage girl enter the blog world? How unheard of(; Well its my first post and i thought what a better way start then do a getting to know you game, right?

Thats me(: 
10 things you should know about me:
1. I've never had anyone meet me for the first time and get my name right(come one its not THAT hard)
2. I love love love anything disney! Especially princesses, i plan to be one some day(;
3. I'm a Senior in high school (FINALLY!!!) and have switched schools every year. I like to switch things up
4. I love the beach, i mean what 17 year old girl from california doesnt?
5. but i cant wait for winter and beyond excited for snow days once i move to utah when i graduate
6. I love love yet I've only been on one date but thats okay my future husband will make up for the time lost(:
7. Anything girly i love. and i mean ANYTHING ie. makeup, clothes, nail polish, glitter!
8. I'm a firm believer in chocolate, it can change your day
9. I love writting letters to people yet i usually forget to give it to them oops
10. Im a Daughter of God and a Latter Day Saint. I learn it I live it and I love it!

P.S. how amazing is my sister for setting up my blog?? Its too adorable!

1 comment:

  1. You're a babe!! We are definitely twin sisters! Chocolate and girly things fix anything!
