Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Denim and Distractions

Awwwh to pick a guitar again! Its been almost a year since I've played (and by played i mean senselessly pluck simple G ,C ,E, and A cords) But i picked up just where i left off... playing Taylor Swifts White Christmas. 

I have to admit something... I haven't gone one day the past week and a half with out listening to Christmas music.. I'm just so stinkin excited!
I've thrown in a couple Weezer and Ed Sheeran songs but my poor little hamy down guitar is horribly out of tune and is quiet ready to retire. Sad day. BUT it gives me a reason to invest in a... wait for it!.... ukulele!

 So you've seen my denim and obviously my guitar is my distraction but i know you're dying to know ( if you're not that interested just pretend to be(; ) what EXACTLY I'm being distracted from. Nope its not homework, i don't have any!( that i know of.. LOL), its not cleaning my room, or some other boring task, well it kinda is boring, but! its from that boy (and i use "boy" descriptively, immature just sounds rude doesn't it??) i briefly mentioned a couple post back. I said i'd been upset about him for the past couple months 
( terribly long, i know) 
but I've come to an epiphany! why let one boy make me feel so sad and down?? I have no clue! So i decided abruptly that I'm going to change my perspective! I concluded that I am not going to think about him because in reality i wasn't thinking about HIM but the attention i got from him, if i think of him i quickly change my train of thought i.e. "wow that tree is really pretty" lame i know but then i realize that the leaves on that oh so pretty tree are changing colors and i get super excited , even though its 85 degrees, that its fall! If i cant get my mind off him (I'm only human it happens) and start feeling sad i think "hey! that's only one disappointing thing in your life think of the good things!" then i think of how awesome i am for getting a new job!( high five ataya(; ), how lucky i am to have my amazing friends, and then i usually think about kittens or Zac Efron yummmm haha. Lastly, the distraction dun-dun-duuuuuuun! I'm distracting myself with this pretty guitar, simple acts of service, and smiling A LOT. 

And guess what fellow bloggers?? my week has been fabulous! This once crush worthy boy is now some guy who i once knew. And i can go through out my day with out thinking about the past because that's exactly what it is, the past. I understand that writing about him isn't helping distract myself from it but who knows maybe someone needed a break-up 101 and I'm helping them out. Also i'm just proud of myself for making this step in my life.

Stay positive!

P.S. i avoid sad music too! no taylor swift or helpless love songs. Happy music makes a happy person(:
P.S.S I have a secret destination Ill be posting about in the next couple days! 
P.S.S.S I cant keep it a secret anymore! ill be In Utah with my lovely sisters! I'm head over heels excited! you know what they say "what happens in Utah stays in Utah" (;

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