Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fresh Faced and Happy

well guys I've had yet another epiphany... Senior year is just full of new realizations.
Well it all started yesterday during homeroom when i caught myself complaining to a friend about how girls just need make up and how barely any girl can pull off not wearing makeup and not look tired. How rude and materialistic of me!! right??? Not until later that night though did i really notice what i said and how completely worldly of me. 
Girls dont need makeup to look pretty and definietly shouldnt need it to feel pretty either. I've worn makeup religiously since 7th grade and have not gone to school one day with out wearing it. I would always have my face evenly toned and eyes perfectly shaded to look big and round and my eyelashes always were brushed and darkened. That is until today!
After waking up this morning I looked in the mirror and kinda just stood there looking. I didn't start pulling at my untamed hair or fixing my big pajama shirt but just looked at my bare face, who i really am. And you know what! With out a second opinion i said I look perfectly fine with out make up and my natural hair actually looks somewhat good.
i know you're digging my goodwill bag in the back(;

I went to school with natural hair and left my makeup bag at home. As i walked onto campus all i was thinking is that all day people are gonna say i look SO tired or my hair was crazy or something that would bring my confidence down.
I actually got compliments on how pretty my natural hair was and not once did i get a "You look tired" once
and by tutorial i loved not having makeup on.
Girls, we dont need make up and straight hair to be or feel pretty. We just need to be comfortable with who we are and accept ourselves as we come, which is beautiful. I'm not saying make up is bad I'm not saying that at ALL because i adore make up but it shouldn't become something we need to have.
Just keep reminding yourself that its okay not to be perfect.

Happy tropical Tuesday

P.S. want to hear a little tip to smooth skin and soft hair?? try coconut oil! it works magic! i put it on my face before i go to bed a couple times a week and it makes my skin feel so soft and makes all those pesky spots go flat! Its my new favorite beauty side kick

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